mandag 14. april 2014

The taming of animals requiers responsible leadership

It's not easy for the not initiated to understand “what is being done with the horses?”, but by thinking and asking, an understanding will evolve from curiosity.
The form of communication used is the horses own way to communicate with each other.
There is ALWAYS a reason for what is being done inside the round pen (and outside of it )and it has nothing to do with showing off tricks. To understand the important
communication performed inside and outside the round pen you must with great
curiosity study the infinite small movements by staying totally focused and grow understanding.

An introduction to general "communication rules” is a great companion to
watching practical work performed. It is NOT important to not do “mistakes”, but
it is important to notice “mistakes” and learn from them. This is possibly sounding silly as it is self evident but I assure you it is the ONE thing people often overlook ( don't look at or see at all ).
To watch others and ones own “mistakes”
is something to learn immensely from.

Pictures from the clinic in Norway at Harkerud 2014.
Recommend you join in on a clinic...